Sunday, 24 March 2013


Near the end of February we went to Sunday River, along with over 100 of our Club Ski 30 friends, to enjoy a week of skiing, comradery, excellent food and shopping. Nancy Riggs accompanied us on the trip. There was a good mix of weather, lots of snow and several days of great sking. Bob doesn't ski so he spent his time tying flies, soaking in the hot tub and snapping a few pictures for the Club.

On the way to Sunday River we stopped overnight in St. John and visited with one of our relatives, Al Vincent. Returning, we did the usual circuit commencing at Kittery and hitting all the hot shopping spots along the way. Bob's big purchase was a moose lamp from Cabela's. 

Included are some pictures provided by our Club friends that have been incorporated into mosaics with a bit of help from Photoshop. Photo sources are as noted.

Double click to enlarge pictures.

Photo Sources:  B MacKinnon & F Lindeijer   ---------------------------------------

                                                                       Photo Source:  S Bennett

Photo Sources:  B MacKinnon & F Lindeijer  ---------------------------------------

                     Photo Sources: G Conrad, S Serieys,  G Caskey, J Cromwell,  K Lively, N Topping, S Bennett, B MacKinnon & F Lindeijer

                                                                                                                              Photo Source:  A Barnes

On the way home we stopped at Cabela's and Bob couldn't resist buying this moose lamp for the camp.
Lester the Lobster

Saturday, 23 March 2013


It has been a great season for fishing. This past summer (2012) Jon and I got lucky with stripers and landed 23 one evening all in the 15 to 25 pound range. We didn't get a chance to try for shad or small mouth bass but hope to make up for this during 2013. 

Jon entered his second year of salmon fishing and landed a 29 incher on the River Philips during the fall of 2012. I tailed the fish for him and it was a super day for both of us. I tried salmon fishing for the first time and it is very a very addictive sport. Recently I have been spending a great deal of my time tying salmon flies (or trying to) for the coming season. My luck has not been as good as Jon's, maybe I should invest my money in haddock fillets instead of a fishing license!

In addition we did a lot of ice fishing and were very successful. It is a very comfortable pastime with the tent and heater. I went out to Grand lake with my friend Ron in search of smelt but we were skunked. 

Double click to enlarge pictures.