Tuesday, 30 April 2013


 May 2013 
The fishing season has continued without any slowdown. Jon has been to River Philip twice and Bob once. Five of us fished the last Sunday of April with great success. Bob didn't get any but Jon landed one salmon and hooked two more. Our group landed 7 in total, hooked 3 more and Bob tailed two of the fish. The largest fish was a 35 inch salmon landed by Steve Andrews. It was a perfect day for Salmon fishing with warm weather and no wind. When Jon was there earlier it snowed and no fish were caught. The pictures were taken by Steve and Jon.

Bob and his friend Michael Fowler also fished the Shubenacadie and Stewiacke Rivers for stripers and shad without any luck. As the pictures take by Michael show, there were hundreds (more likely thousands) of stripers under the bridge at EnField. 

Double click to enlarge pictures.

Jon on the River Philip, it was cold!
A pot of tea!

You have to be a devoted fisherman to enjoy this.
On the second trip to River Philip the weather cooperated and Luke has one on!
Bob tailed this one!

Jon's first salmon of the year.
Bob tailed Jon's salmon.
Luke got a great picture of Steve's Salmon. 
Another shot of Steve play the Salmon.
Steve's 35 incher, the largest fish landed.
 This fish is a real fighter.
Jon tailing a salmon.
Got him.
This is what salmon fishing is all about!
Luke with another salmon.
An underwater picture of a release.
More fish.
This one has some injuries, probably from a lamprey eel.
The EnField Bridge.
Lots of stripers. The river is closed to fishing at this spot.
Stocking Penhorn Lake.
The 2013 Striper Monkey is now off my back!
Jon's first striper on a fly.
My third striper of the season.
This has to be a record !!!!!!